junho 16, 2010

Until you hold me in your eyes...

Sat, 3 Feb 2001

In me unchained dreams fly...
In me worths that mean nothing die...
In me morning breaks in cold light...
In me... you...

Bring the stars upon a smile! In you... i...
Keep whole a heart given over to unreal destinies...
How can someone scream like the end...?
How can someone's memories turn to anguish... a goodbye?
The one you fear won´t leave behind...
the sound of small feet pounding hard on the ground...
Sensitivity becomes a never taken journey to never sighted cities...
and you loose yourself... in you.

There is a sun in each thought you once begun,
It will obsess you... It will haunt you...
Until you hold me in your eyes!
In me...no tears... no apologies...
No lies.

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