novembro 07, 2010
Até sempre...
Ficaram todas estas que aqui fui deixando e provavelmente nunca li com a intensidade que desejavas... esperava um dia voltar a relê-as contigo mas não foi isso que decidimos.
... A nossa história termina aqui...
A estas memórias vou continuando a juntar outras palavras que me relembram as que poderiam ser tuas. Vou-te deixando as músicas, os poemas, os sons, os momentos que poderiam ter sido nossos...
mas com a certeza que, enquanto aqui vier, é porque continuam a ser ainda teus...SUOSF
Stay Under Ours Stars Forever
Até sempre ..
setembro 19, 2010
You lost your bet... but it was the end of life as I knew it!
Holly (Her): I like this jacket.
Jerry (Him): It looks good on you. I got it in a bet.
H: What was the bet?
J: A fellow bet me that I couldn´t get a certain girl to kiss me
H: What girl?
J: His girl
H: How did you do it?
J: A fellow just has to tell her the truth without words. It´s like a signaling we send out and the woman, she just picks it up
H: And what´s the truth?
J: That kissing her would be the end of life as I know it
H: And that´s truth of every girl you got to kiss you?
J: When I was younger and had no principles, when every girl that I was lucky enough to kiss... it was the end of life as I knew it
H: And now?
J: Now I only send it out when I think she might be the one who makes it truth
J: Where are you going? You have my jacket
H: I´m keeping it unless we meet again
J: I bet we'll do
H: That´s a bet you gonna have to win. Because if we do meet again then that will be the end of it, you know
J: The end of what?
H: Life as we know it...
In - PS: I love you
setembro 11, 2010
agosto 07, 2010
"I'd spend a lifetime with you"
Did I disappoint you or let you down?
Should I be feeling guilty ...?
So I took what's mine by eternal right.
Took your soul out into the night.
It may be over but it won't stop there,
I am here for you if you'd only care.
You touched my heart you touched my soul.
You changed my life and all my goals.
And love is blind and that I knew when,
My heart was blinded by you.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
I am a dreamer and when i wake,
You can't break my spirit - it's my dreams you take.
And as you move on, remember me,
Remember us and all we used to be
I've seen you cry, I've seen you smile.
I've watched you sleeping for a while.
I'd spend a lifetime with you.
I know your fears and you know mine.
We've had our doubts but now we're fine,
And I love you, I swear that's true.
I cannot live without you.
And I still hold your hand in mine.
In mine when I'm asleep.
Goodbye my lover.
Goodbye my friend.
You have been the one.
You have been the one for me.
James Blunt
junho 30, 2010
O primeiro ADEUS
junho 25, 2010
...mesmo que
e se a minha resposta, para além da continuação da tua frase, tiver sido também a sua confirmação?
junho 16, 2010
Medo de falar, medo de agir
tu não és directo e evitas agir no impulso, com medo que novas acções possam levar a perder-me e consequentemente a perder o que sentes.
eu não tomo iniciativas nem dou primeiros passos com medo de perder o que temos, principalmente a forma como o partilhamos...
Com isto sofremos ambos na insegurança e na dúvida. "
Acho que tu nunca me percebeste
e no fundo, eu nunca te compreendi
... e nunca verdadeiramente te conheci.
Uma história tão diferente e tudo se resume afinal na mesma banalidade:
falta de comunicação!
Until you hold me in your eyes...
In me unchained dreams fly...
In me worths that mean nothing die...
In me morning breaks in cold light...
In me... you...
Bring the stars upon a smile! In you... i...
Keep whole a heart given over to unreal destinies...
How can someone scream like the end...?
How can someone's memories turn to anguish... a goodbye?
The one you fear won´t leave behind...
the sound of small feet pounding hard on the ground...
Sensitivity becomes a never taken journey to never sighted cities...
and you loose yourself... in you.
There is a sun in each thought you once begun,
It will obsess you... It will haunt you...
Until you hold me in your eyes!
In me...no tears... no apologies...
No lies.
junho 06, 2010
Amor (quase) perfeito
Talvez seja a altura de encerrar este capítulo depois de tantos anos.
Não, não se trata de nenhuma obsessão patológica pelo passado, mas na verdade foi um passado bem mais interessante que o presente. Prefiro manter-te perto por enquanto.
Acho que volto a cair no mesmo erro que nos afastou e que nunca tive coragem para te confessar: perpetuar algo de ti, mas não por ti. Na verdade dediquei esta página e dediquei-me a ela este tempo todo... mas não por amor a ti mas à história em si...talvez pela saudade, pela profundidade das tuas palavras, pelo que poderia ter sido, pelo sonho, pelo ideal, por todo um rol de motivos que deixa de fora aquele que mais queria ter incluído: o amor.
Amei muita coisa em ti: surpreendi-me pela tua história, amei a tua personalidade desde o primeiro momento em que trocamos palavras, deliciei-me pela tua atitude, derreti-me com a tua doçura, apaixonei-me pela tua poesia, partilhei os teus conflitos, recebi o teu cuidado e carinho, sorri com as tuas brincadeiras, agradeci os teus presentes, ouvi a tua música...
Mas percebi que isso não chega...as afinidades não chegam. É como se tu fosses depois uma pessoa diferente daquela por quem me tinha apaixonado. Faltava a química...o raio da química que nos torna escravos dessa coisa inatingível, irrealista, sufocante que deve ser o amor! E trocamos tudo o resto... a perfeição de tudo o resto pela miserável química!
Perdoa a minha cobardia ... ingenuidade...timidez... burrice...sei lá!
Mas na verdade também desististe, nunca arriscaste...ou se calhar não percebi a dimensão do risco que correste...
Naquela noite quando me olhavas nos olhos, em frente ao mar, com as estrelas como testemunhas... ainda penso que tudo poderia ter sido diferente...
Fecho os olhos desperto
nas tuas palavras...
e sei que em mim insiste
todo esse transtorno do abandono...
inconvidado e triste...
sem alegria...
o saber do coração...
orla vazia...
tão só.
...sorri, porque o sinto
maio 25, 2010
Prémio fidelidade!!
Esta semana tive de ir à Av. dos Aliados... imaginei encontrar-te por detrás dos assuntos que teria de tratar... ia ser divertido se fosses tu a gerir o negócio! Imaginava a tua reacção, seria de surpresa, de angústia, de saudade? Será que ainda te lembrarias do meu nome? Será que eu ainda te iria reconhecer?
Geriste a minha alma por algum tempo e a partir de então ela passou a girar em torno de ti!
Foi o meu maior investimento!
Acho que nunca tiveste cliente mais fiél!
maio 14, 2010
The awakening
Closed my eyes, found comfort in your smile.
These are the things that make me breathe.
The air you inhale makes it worth to gain wings.
This time i’ll wish for a perfect dream with you.
Goodnight lover,
I hope you sleep on velvet wings.
Dream on lover,
I know you can teach angels to sing
For all the waiting…
For all the dreaming…
For on and ever…
For what that’s worth…
abril 17, 2010
abril 08, 2010
Funeral Blues
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.
He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.
The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.
fevereiro 26, 2010
fevereiro 21, 2010
Beyond my hopes
My mind starts drifting ...
Beyond my hopes there are no feelings!
After years of restling with shadows...
I feel like someone that heard the whispered
confidences of the abyss.
In my skin the horror at the idea of leaving or staying
Beyond my hopes there are no reasons...
Just someone I miss!!
The compassion adrifted when the wind blows...
The blanket skies that you pretend with a smile,
Stars and a moon full of stolen kisses...
Reflected shyness of the soul.
For the grace of love...
For all the roses i digged from you...
All i have to do
Keeping on missing...
Holding us together for what we adore...
Without rays... wihtout heat... stricken to death,
Through your eyes i see lights beginning to appear along the shore...
Affection comes and departs evoling the spirit of the past in us all,
Holding us together for what we adore...
Holding our hearts through our icy breath...
To the right of us a lighthouse in its spectral illumination,
Far in the horizon edge jewels flashing in the unceasing night,
Changing immensity of life...
Immutability of a for ever in us felt creation!
Sun, 21 Jan 200101:22:57
fevereiro 14, 2010
Feliz dia!
fevereiro 10, 2010
Talvez esteja na altura de finalmente desfolhar as páginas
Sem a tua presença
Mas sempre com a tua memória.
Afinal sempre foi esta a melhor palavra para me definir: desassossego
fevereiro 02, 2010
Remix Ensamble

Casa da Música
Remix Ensamble - O Livro do Desassossego
9 Fevereiro
Sempre esperei um dia ler o Livro do Desassossego contigo... como esperava pedir-te para me leres todos os poemas que escreveste e me enviaste... e explicares o sentido.
Ainda não li o Livro, continua guardado na estante e na alma.
Dos teus poemas esperava fazer um livro... que sempre achei estar à altura deste,
merecer o mesmo espaço na estante e na alma
Continuo à espera do momento.
Seria tão bom se te encontrasse aqui...
janeiro 30, 2010
All the love gone bad turned my world to black...
janeiro 02, 2010
... half in shade!
Endless rainy days in my hidden face... shame,
Hesitant brightness abandon me... fear,
The silence of ardent thought... secrecy,
The flaming abyss of emptiness... sky's velvety!
Tormented conscience... killing blame...
... revealed immortal intimacy within the depths of my thinking...
... of my true me... the one i try so hard to forget.
As i stand by the window of my bitter past i reach out for...
... inside landscapes that will become my heart's paintings...
No thoughts but feelings... making me to be in colours!
Soft reflected lights of the extravagant purple fill my winding imagination
with... Madness!
Rain stops as tears and fragments fall from an imaginary belonging feeling
Fears I can´t see but touch lying half in light... half in shade... all in me.
Beneath the mask of my being not a single dream... but a definitive farewell,
... no one will tell me who i am... i am not...
... my whole life seems a long staring at the window,
... a long tear that won´t set a falling star free because she is too jealous or...
Just missing me too much... missing the following day for a new sunrise...
Fearing an eternal goodbye... dilusion together with the pain of leaving
No one behind...
só para te dizer que podemos morrer em nós mas... viveremos nos outros... e com esses outros gerar novos eus e ... sonhar!
Nem sei se me entendes ou se pensas que enlouqueci!?
Como seja, espero que as tuas férias estejam a ser uma bela viagem...
Quando quiseres... de mim... as estrelas... e os sonhos.
Entraste na minha vida há algum tempo.... e ainda permaneces tão vivo como antes.
Passaste a ser o modelo de comparação, elevaste tão alto a fasquia que ninguém conseguiu voltar a igualá-la...
...por isso permaneço só.
Mas na verdade nem tu próprio o conseguiste, e deixei-te ir.
A fasquia não era real... não eras tu que eu queria, antes a concepção que criei em teu redor. Essa fasquia imaginária criada à tua imagem, é verdade, mas terminada com sonhos irreais. E são esses pequenos pormenores que ainda faltam, que acho que vão faltar sempre...
E ainda vivo para o sonho...
...por isso permaneço só.
novembro 29, 2009
Porque em cada momento encontro sempre algo que me recorda...
"Nem sei porque você se foi
Quantas saudades eu senti
E de tristezas vou viver
E aquele adeus, não pude dar
Você marcou em minha vida
Viveu, morreu na minha história
Chego a ter medo do futuro
E da solidão, que em minha porta bate
E eu
Gostava tanto de você
Gostava tanto de você"
... natural emotions are meant to be!
Give me the splendid silent sun with all his beams full-dazzling,
Give me autumnal fruit ripe and red from the orchard,
Give me a field where the unmow'd grass grows,
Give me an arbor, give me the trellis'd grape,
Give me fresh corn and wheat, give me serene-moving animals teaching
Give me nights perfectly quiet as on high plateaus west of the
Mississippi, and I looking up at the stars,
Give me odorous at sunrise a garden of beautiful flowers where I can
walk undisturbed,
Give me for marriage a sweet-breathed woman of whom I should never tire,
Give me a perfect child, give me away aside from the noise of the
world a rural domestic life,
Give me to warble spontaneous songs recluse by myself, for my own ears
Give me solitude, give me Nature, give me again O Nature your primal
Walt Whitman
... now the other me...
Yes, it´s sunset... i walk, leisurely and distracted... i feel and i
forget a sense of nostalgia that invades me... i think about your words...
i wonder about your voice... if only our life were one long standing at the window,
if only we could just stay there, like an unmoving curl of smoke,
frozen at that one moment in the evening that paints the curve of the
mountains with painful colour... if only we could stay there beyond forever!
...you should love you as you do the sunset or the moonlight,
wanting the moment to stay, but wanting nothing more than the
feeling of possessing that moment...
... will wait for your voice... that is my moment.
novembro 08, 2009
Como é possível...
Sem nunca te ter achado
Nem na polpa dos meus dedos
Se ter formado o afago
Sem termos sido a cidade
Nem termos rasgado o céu
Sem descobrirmos a cor
Sem sentir que eras meu
Como é possível perder-te
Sem nunca te ter achado
Minha raiva de ternura
Meu ódio de conhecer-te
Minha alegria perdura"
Adaptado de Maria Teresa Horta
outubro 20, 2009
... malmequeres!
... a ti recolho imundo em ternura...
... a ti o subir ao colorir... difuso o tornar,
a ti conduzido moinho sem movimento... em gestos mendigos... trémulos!
... a ti o que pressinto... sem cura... no sorrir de um só momento...
... a ti a aragem descansada de uma estrela a florir...
A ti este meu quieto... recordar... sozinho onde sempre estarei,
... a ti em todo o meu abandono... o impreciso rastro!
... em ti todos os malmequeres que colho... como se pudesse!?
... em ti o ser tarde para esquecer o carinho... como se quisesse!?
Em ti... indistinto persiste... bulício... e do distante... o que nunca amanhece...
... em ti embrenhado como uma prece... o que se some... o eco... o meu estar...
... em ti arrastando-se as cores... os vultos.... o instante,
Em ti o cortejo de horas sem ritmo... sem regresso... a ir encantos soltos...
... em ti o que consome... o que peço... o precisar.
Tenho saudades tuas...
setembro 20, 2009
julho 18, 2009
...poisonous lucidity!
... i drive the night as inking candy canes with colours of madness,
Disturbance in each "... you made me cry...",
Released as a letting me be returning,
Achieving my own simple isolation... dwindled existence breaking through the abandoned demigods,
As an anonymous delusion!
Maybe i´m alone... standing beside the nothingness of life... overflowing the somnolent words of a reminded journey... a clandestine one... into my fictitious self... is it too late to contemplate?
... attached to the bottom of sadness itself... inner defeat... lubricious and affectionately spicy...
... mystifying eye shared metaphors... and as i raised my embarrased fingers towards the puling incident... the sense of incarnation... such punishment requires intimate caresses!
Breathing forbidden hallucinations of a poisonous lucidity... countless immersions into the warmed heaven delivered essences of things... small as unnatural ones... full of excessive jealousy... and as stop myself in belief...
I do belong!
... para quem sempre esteve para mim.
Chamada de voz ou Apagar?
Mas tu ainda existes...
maio 20, 2009
Were these the lyrics of your soul?
Hope there's someone
Hope there's someone
Who'll take care of me
When I die, will I go
Hope there's someone
Who'll set my heart free
Nice to hold when I'm tired
There's a ghost on the horizon
When I go to bed
How can I fall asleep at night
How will I rest my head
Oh I'm scared of the middle place
Between light and nowhere
I don't want to be the one
Left in there, left in there
There's a man on the horizon
Wish that I'd go to bed
If I fall to his feet tonight
Will allow rest my head
So here's hoping I will not drown
Or paralyze in light
And godsend I don't want to go
To the seal's watershed
Hope there's someone
Who'll take care of me
When I die, Will I go
Hope there's someone
Who'll set my heart free
Nice to hold when I'm tired
Antony and the Johnsons
abril 06, 2009
Espero finalmente ter o tempo por que sempre esperei.
Tenho saudades.
dezembro 31, 2008
2008... 2009
Talvez 2009 traga novo sentido ao passado ou diferente destino ao futuro...
Por enquanto... és presente.
agosto 28, 2008
agosto 02, 2008
julho 19, 2008
No more thoughts
Empty spirit
No more lonely tears
Or fears...
Just songs to remind me
What could have been...
If you weren´t gone...
junho 14, 2008
junho 13, 2008
O limite da nossa felicidade é afinal, o nosso desejo...
junho 10, 2008
abril 27, 2008
A ti Hecate....
Amável Deusa
Guia nas encruzilhadas e estradas
Rainha das Bruxas
Intensa e sensível!
Era isto o que querias dizer-me?
abril 06, 2008
Mixed feelings...
But I'll wait for you
There's so many things I need to say
And no one to say them but you
Because you
Take me
Make me
I write down all my secrets
But i don't feel self-assured
I swallow them as soon as someone
Enters my bedroom door
Please tell me about love
I never really understood that stuff
Days fall into nights
But wrong won't turn to right
So what's this life
What's this life we've chosen?
What it would be like
If we started all over again?
For how long
How strong do I still have to be?
How come you mean so much to me?
And I love you
I love you
I want you
but I fear you…
David Fonseca
junho 17, 2007
So not over you
The emptiness when you were gone
kept ringing in my head
Told myself I really had to move along now
Stop regretting all the things I left unsaid
'Cos everywhere I go
There's a love song
That reminds me of you
And even though I knew
I had to be strong
I was still not over you
'Cos I still believe and I could see
How there's nothing left of you and me
That time is over
'Cos I'm so not over you
Now I found a way to keep you there beside me
To where my love won't be denied
I can only hope to keep you there and guide me
There's no more need to hide from all this pain inside
So not over you
That time is over
'Cos I'm so not over you
Simply Red
... regresso
... tilintavam despojadas gotas de um poder... frias... sós... em mim,
Abraço a pele... sinto o cheiro humano... estendo o escorrer de amar...
E sei que nem tudo seria diferente... apenas para nós... recordarias...
... fustigavam cinzentas e indiferentes... e agarro esse para sempre errar...
Embalo-o mais uma vez... dele o carinho... o quente se o houver !?
Cegas mãos que arremesso... num tempo a chegar o que fica?
Um "eu sei"... alegrias de uma janela que alguém abria ... um dia ...
Regresso distante do que vi... perto da voz... perto do medo.... dele o caminho!
Estou aqui...
fevereiro 24, 2007
... sem limites
... o ar inspirava envergonhado... perdido... sim, eu!
Abro os braços de derrota...
Agito por ter sido... seu... não amado... e pergunto-me.... será?
Abraço... tal fim sem rota... sempre o mesmo... diferente!
Sonho que sonho... sonho fingir.... e no vazio... existir,
Só... e no que nunca digo... o que sou contigo... queres?
Eu sou o longe de um quem és tu para mim...
No despertar de um preciso de ti... porque me fazes sentir frágil.
Espero no teu calor um... outro... como o quero!
Roubado do mistério... de tudo o que posso querer...
Um nunca... nunca... e um dia seremos sempre nós...
No não prometer...
janeiro 20, 2007
Quando tu me falaste em amor...
"Estas linhas que hoje escrevo
São do livro da memória
Do que eu sinto por ti
E tudo o que tu me dás
É parte da história
Que eu ainda não vivi
E a força do desejo
Faz-me chegar perto de ti"
Andre Sardet
janeiro 14, 2007
setembro 24, 2006
for that second chance
for a break that would make it okay
there's always one reason
to feel not good enough
and it's hard at the end of the day
In the arms of an angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You're in the arms of the angel
May you find some comfort there
setembro 10, 2006
... fui... sempre serei
Na erma inutilidade do meu fechado sonho... destinos sem partir,
Embrenham-se demorados e prolongam-se ... pérfidos...
E nas mãos da minha palidez indolente ... quem não existe!
... a confidência que recomponho... sem sorrir... porque sou triste...
... e na brisa que assoma o amor entregue...
... flui...
... rui... dolente... eco morto e ... fui!
... agora...sei-me... promessa de desilusão,
E sem que negue... antes destruí... nós idos.
... porque serás sempre parte da minha insconsciência... é no inconsciente que habitam os únicos destinos pelos quais vale a pena sobreviver.
... uma estrela cadente
... sempre serei...
setembro 02, 2006
... para além
... sem que seja meu esse amargo diluído... sinto-o,
Alheio esquecido... lento indistinto... e a voz...
... para além do último timbre,
Paira pequenina ... dá... ambíguo receber...
... para além do frágil sem ser... errante atroz,
Instinto que enlouquece infindo... antes que te sintas só... lancetante,
... para além do que finjo... onde estarei?
... aquela alegria embainhada... tudo me é...
... e na sensação de um só dia ... amei,
... um só ter ... um só abandono... um só acordar,
... para além da distância... um momento de única fé... contemplada princesa!
Incompreendo-me no seu partir... perene afastamento ... infiel tristeza que ficas,
... para além do que tenho,
... para além do nada... do eu extinto... irei.
... para quem mais do que tudo merece... coisas simples.
julho 24, 2006
Turned my back
julho 01, 2006
...um quase fim para o início...
...um quase marulhar para o sonho...
...apenas um pedido mergulhado,
Amar o sorriso que ponho...para ti!
...um quase arrastar pelo querer...
...um quase tê-lo...confesso!
...num através de tudo o que parece,
Na urgência de uma agora...imerso...
...um quase sentir... não importa a dor...
...um quase trespassar...será nunca?
...e do sulcar de amor...sê-lo,
maio 02, 2006
março 26, 2006
Speechless secrecy
How beautiful to be when all is full of love?
How to whisper a secret only for you to hear?
How to show you colours when there are none to see?
How to leave by the back door and throw away the key?
How to know if you even need someone to blame?
How to hold you so tight and feel like a dreamer?
How to mirror myself out?
How to replace the missing in me?
... without an invisible tear...
... speechless secrecy...
... amorous reviving...
How to heal time... without releasing my hands from regreted sins?
How to feel in to you... handwriting... forbidden...
... breathing loneliness...
... embarrassed as murmured moments of affection...
... hands carresing mine with all the softness an eternal
looking into my
eyes can...
... suffer my needing...
... suffer my weakness
... my never been...
... happy...
fevereiro 05, 2006
Angel Eyes
Catch: Why, what is it you're looking for?
Sharon Pogue: Your life, I want no surprises
Catch: My name is Catch, I don't commit any crimes, I walk around town, that's all of it, except for you, the way I feel about you
Sharon Pogue: Which is?
Catch: Surprising, I thought it was impossible, I thought I was
Sharon Pogue: You thought you were what?
Catch: Dead
Sharon Pogue: Am I supposed to get that?
Catch: No you're not..."
Angel Eyes
Was I supposed to get that?
janeiro 21, 2006
and I didn´t find you
But I met the full moon
With your reflex on it...
Yes, I left for that long
I´ve been so far away...
And you were still there
Always with me in that travel adventure
You´re always here...
For that long
You´re always everywhere...
Maybe "forever" exists after all!...
agosto 21, 2005
What if?
Would you go with me
In this travel adventure?
Would we finally meet in Paris
As we have dreamed one day?
Would I be leaving for so long?
And meet you at the moon every night
While so far away?
What if...?
julho 23, 2005
... smiling like a wounded dream...
... descending into delicious voluptuousness...
... watching people with flowers in their hands...
... kids sucking complaining spoons...
... dolphins playing in the silvery waves...
... forbidden silhouettes slipping through a timid moon's eclipse...
... and all you can ask yourself is... have you that sad-hearted needing?
... have you?
... meeting fear as holding to the meaning of...
... almost...
Almost an end to the edge of being...
Almost a remember you for your...
Almost... wanting ... for sure... ever!
junho 15, 2005
Music in a Foreign Language
Increasingly resistant to your smile
This I can´t deny..."
junho 01, 2005
Teu corpo real que dorme
E um frio no meu ser...
Os meus desjos são cansaços
De quem quer ter nos braços
A ideia de te ter...
maio 15, 2005
Tão perto e tão longe...
Segui direcções opostas, atravessei encruzilhadas, percorri caminhos perdidos... Acho que aquela hora em que atravessei a tua morada foi igual ao tempo em que tu atravessaste a minha vida... em direcções opostas, por entre encruzilhadas e em caminhos que se perderam.
Não cheguei a encontrar-te... também não sei se queria. Mas encontrei um local de trabalho, talvez tivesse sido o teu. Não levava mapas ou indicações, fui apenas com o nome de uma localidade em memória e uma rua em dúvida. A imagem era de uma fotografia que um dia me mostraste. E era tudo o que tinha como referências. O nome estava correcto, a rua ninguém conhecia, a imagem da fotografia não encontrei. Como o teu mundo que eu encontrei mas nunca conheci.
No fundo senti que pertencias aquela paisagem... como se te estivesse a ver por entre os campos e casas que se dispunham labirinticamente. Tinhas que viver num labirinto! E estarias tu ali a viver naquele momento?
Tão perto... e tão longe...
abril 16, 2005
Coisas pequenas
"Coisas pequenas são
Coisas pequenas
São tudo o que eu te quero dar
E estas palavras são coisas pequenas
Que dizem que eu te quero amar
Amar, amar, amar
Só vale a pena
Se tu quiseres confirmar
Que um grande amor não é coisa pequena
Que nada é maior que amar
E a hora, que te espreita, é só tua
Decerto, não será só a que resta
A hora que esperei a vida toda
É esta
E a hora que espreita, que te espreita é derradeira
Decerto já bateu à tua porta
A hora que esperei a vida inteira
É agora, é agora..."
março 26, 2005
... o nunca saber o que sentiremos depois
for whom I wanted to be
just a reason from you...
Fri, 25 Jun 1999
... não vou esquecer o que vi no sentir do teu olhar
... num lugar em mim,
... o que sou para ti,
... no tempo que passou,
... e fico sem um fim...
... como sou...
... ficas?
março 20, 2005

Mas aquilo era apenas um pormenor! Tinha-te a ti!
Agora passo todos os dias por uma estrada ladeada por uma berma cheia de papoilas... muitas papoilas vermelhas. É como se todas as manhãs te olhasse nos olhos e te dissesse "bom dia"! Mas agora não te tenho a ti... as papoilas deixaram de ser apenas um pormenor.
Já viste?
janeiro 08, 2005
... esperar
... esperei esse teu fazer despertar... que em amor se desfaz...
... esperei o não pensar e o desejo...
... de nunca sentir o medo de te perder!
... esperei por um talvez nunca partir...
... esperei que me mostrasses o quanto preciso... em ti...
... na urgência de um agora... naufragar!
Esperei por ti.
dezembro 30, 2004
dezembro 25, 2004
Prenda de Natal
Gostava que este Natal te trouxesse todos os presentes desejados.
Qual seria o que mais gostarias de receber?
Eu sei qual seria o meu...
dezembro 05, 2004
Lonely Carousel
This game we play
We can´t escape we have to attend
Its life you see
When I have tried to amuse myself
To celebrate the funfair
The pleasures I seek are far too discreet for me
And all the time the world unwinds
I can´t deny the way I feel
The truth is lost
Beyond this lonely carousel
And all these words, they mean nothing at all
Just a cruel remedy a strange tragedy
Of what will be
After I try to discover the answers to why
To look for a meaning
Inside of this dreaming I have
And words that I´ve said they spin around
Waltzing alone inside my head
Nothing will change
Its always the same please make it stop
And all the time the world unwinds
I can´t deny the way I feel
The truth is lost
Beyond this lonely carousel
Rodrigo Leão/Beth Gibbons
novembro 28, 2004
O Diário da Nossa Paixão
Afinal não foi por aí que tudo começou?
Deste-me a descobrir um novo mundo... que parece querer envolver-me a cada instante.
Sem contar... sem procurar.
novembro 26, 2004
Desencontros premeditados...encontros inesperados
Há encontros extraordinários! Encruzilhadas carregadas de simbolismo! Serão um sinal?
Gostava de te encontrar... reencontrar assim... sem contar, sem procurar.
novembro 22, 2004
Glory Box
Playing with this bow and arrow,
Gonna give my heart away,
Leave it to the other girls to play.
For I've been a temptress too long,
Oh yeah,
Give me a reason to love you,
Give me a reason to be a women,
I just want to be a woman
From this time unchained,
Were all looking at a different picture,
Through this new frame of mind,
A thousand flowers could bloom,
Move over and give us some room
Oh yeah,
Give me a reason to love you,
Give me a reason to be a women,
I just want to be a woman
So don't you stop being a man,
Just take a little look from outside when you can,
Sow a little a tenderness,
No matter if you cry
Its all I want to be, a woman,
So I just want to be a woman,
For this is the beginning of forever and ever,
Its time to move over now, So I want to be
novembro 13, 2004
... porque o dizem os olhos
... a loucura do impossível nos silêncios de afectividade sempre provocaram em mim consumação, vacuidade e ao mesmo tempo, irrupções do imaginário ... Achas-te capaz de fazer algo por alguém ? "... por ti, para mim, por nós ... sim ... ser feliz !
... porque o dizem os olhos !
outubro 24, 2004
Há momentos em que parece que estás aqui... quando as músicas controem o teu retrato e parecem sussurrar a tua poesia...
Nunca pensei que um som pudesse reflectir uma imagem tão real!
outubro 09, 2004
… echoing from the moonlight!
Shadowed by an eyable moon of unapparent transfused light,
Our dreams seem a close, dark, vague, warm sense of seeing…
… unseen mysteries rest unremembered upon a infinitely far picture… inside!
All that togetherness… thought-mirroring us deep… as an icy tear,
Through a dreamy kind delight…
You look upon those brilliant creatures… dazzling untouched stars…
… and you cry!
Standing in the dripping freshness of a ceaseless rain…
The sense of what is real when you feel beauty … echoing from the moonlight!
The endless succession of empty hours wondering what thoughts may mean…
Trying to forget all the gestures of love…
Nights windowed of tenderness and drowning goodbyes,
Fear that you feel in each suffocating shadow… in each invisible silence.
… a naked memory in cloudless beginning!
… a dim vision of sweetly exiled feelings… from a garden full of angels above!
Undisturbed I stand on trial before the gods…
… all that guilt through a flood of faceless demons making myself wonder…
… i need someone to surrender to…
… i need someone to make me feel the threat of affection…
What if the words would bring you here?
Would your stars hesitate?
Would you taste my confused but yet lucid feelings?
All those tangible bodies fading like a symphonic nostalgia…
… like sensualities made flesh… wholeheartedly delights
… i need…
… someone in my dreams!
outubro 05, 2004
Retalhos incompletos III
não sou...
Mas diz-me... o que mais temes em mim é o imprevisto?
não... de forma alguma
Então o que mais te assusta... a incoerência?
... A falta de inocência?
A imprevisibilidade... a falta de estabilidade?... não no partilhar, não no sentir em relação ao outro, mas em relação a si próprio e as consequências de tudo isso no resto...
por aí... mas como achas que é a minha relação comigo própria?
Mais instável do que a minha...
a sério? por que dizes isso?
...Pura intuição. e explico ...tu sabes e tens consciência do que queres para ti, do que procuras, mas não sabes por onde ir e quando sabes duvidas mais do que eu ou outra pessoa... pura intuição! Não sabes o que queres para ti?
o que é que eu quero?
... Não é essa a questão
sei, mas quero saber o que é que tu achas que eu quero
Não significa com isso que eu saiba o que é ...
não... mas se puderes responder... só porque tu disseste que eu sabia o que queria!
Quando te olho de forma anormal ... penso nestas coisas... sim entre outras ...
o medo que eu possa ter, se é que tenho, é o da incerteza
... Incerteza em relação a mim?
Não... em relação a ti tenho certezas suficientes... é em relação a mim própria...é assim como poderei explicar...
... Sendo coerente
não só... sendo sobretudo verdadeira...
Ainda procuras certezas?
procuro, mas sei que só as vou ter se arriscar e se agir...
... E o que pretendes fazer em relação a isso?
é a chave da questão para ti?
setembro 23, 2004
Retalhos incompletos II
- A qual te referes?
- Ao que enviaste por SMS
- O que querias dizer com o “it”?
- It... dependerá do quem sabe...
- E o quem sabe... quem sabe se não dependerá do it!
- Até porque o IT pode não ser emocionalmente coerente entre nós... duas pessoas nunca se contextualizam emocionalmente, não é o que dizes?
setembro 19, 2004
Retalhos incompletos I
- E precisas de mim como nunca precisei de ti? Essa frase continua a dizer-me que ainda precisas recuperar o que perdeste!
- Então não entendeste o verdadeiro significado... esta frase reflecte quão intenso é o meu esforço em busca do que está perdido...
- E porque me envolves dessa forma e com esse sentido?
- Porque provavelmente nunca pensaste em mim como eu penso em ti, não da mesma forma, não com a mesma motivação, não no mesmo contexto emocional...
- Duas pessoas nunca podem ter o mesmo contexto emocional... ninguém pensa em ninguém da mesma forma. Eu percebi o sentido da frase...
- Lanço-te um desafio... reescreve-a
setembro 12, 2004
setembro 04, 2004
Racionalizações delirantes
.... sweet melancholia ... nocturnal and thunderous,
Etched delicately alongside me as a meddlesome emotion ...
Will you ever deceive me ?
As you care to show me your weakness of will... unthinking fantasies !
Heartfelt withdrawal frorn the unending inoffensiveness ... in the glimpse of
No one ever felt the depth of warmth like the absence of you ...
Inconceivable flowers in tall vases ornament ali that remains ... black
poppies gathered near ruined dreams !
Sculpt timidities ...increasing ... ingenuously ... só gentle within ...
filling me with fragile distances ...
Far as life failed to be ... bohemian feelings to the inexpressible
Never leaving the inside ...
To ever be...
agosto 14, 2004
... a ti Hécate!
....hoje estou sozinho como nunca estive ... o intimo e inconvidado ser que em mim habita, aquele que constrange e depaupera a minha existência absorta de incompreendidas lembranças, para longe se ausentou para me provocar saudade ... meu pensamento outonou perante a melancolia de cada folha caída no seu adeus ... por mais fútil que esse me pareça, um adeus nunca será indiferente a uma sensação que mais se assemelha a um perder de afecto! O que mais temo na solidão não é o estar sozinho... é o acostumar de um desprezo que não reconhece em mim outra consolação que não seja o mesmo pensar alto de andromedas noites ... hoje penso como nunca pensei... da inconstância de emoções à sua cruel e desmedida ausência, dos longos momentos de desespero ao abismo em que a cada respirar ameaçava mergulhar .... eu sobrevivi a mim próprio ... à morte do afecto ... luar peregrino num olhar sem céu ... "Eos" acaricia o meu adormecer lento e penoso enquanto recordo o quão recheada de ternura é essa tua preocupação pelo não dormir....
julho 24, 2004
... pearls on your skin
Streetlights paint me unimaginativly through the spiritual beings i carry inside,
Unmasked limitless full of meaningless sketches ...
Shaken waves in someone else’s praying !
Wide awake unaffected seconds to scream out...
Vulnerable immensity ... the understandable me...
.... disintegrating incorporeal and incomplete...
Immersed in placid beauty ... swallowed by quicksands within your eyes !
Ripped open in each apocalyptical kiss ... eclipsing me as trying to breathe
unalloyed ... pearls in your skin ...
Immature voice that unravels me... groaning grievously ... shy images of you ...
Absorbing as remembered to each fall... to the knowing that it still exists....
Intensifying as a beginning lost in a storm of feelings ...
For you...
julho 18, 2004
In the days, the golden days
When everybody knew what they wanted
It ain't here today
Through the times of lasting love
When parents talked of things tried and tested
It don’t feel the same
Dreams and belief have gone
Time, life itself goes on
Far beyond the shrinking skies
Where money talks and leaves us hypnotised
It don’t pave the way
Underneath the fading sun
The silent sum of a businessman
Has left us choking
Dreams and belief have gone
Time, life itself goes on
In the days, the golden days
When everybody know what they wanted
It ain't here today
Dreams and belief have gone
Time, life itself goes on
junho 19, 2004
…céu em ti!
Vazio frio…
Reflexo d’água que fica…
Sem sensação...
Cinzento destino sem mim...
Gemer agreste da doçura...
Embalar horizonte céu em ti...
... a pensar na tua voz.
... procuro o adormecer...
junho 12, 2004
... as your poppies witchcraft me...
Come into me forever ...
Farewell your innocence and you may found ... sweet alibis,
Casted sorrows and shattered sights ... crumbled apologies,
Hidden amongst absorbed repression and i knew ...
I was in for a long time ... spreading bitterness as our own flesh missed,
The scratch of fate in each not feeling the same !
Caring and waiting for the next time ...
Surrender in the need of you,
Belong to someone i can't blame ... hate ... nor fear her sweetheart's bow !
To an angel's voice that will tear me apart from the world that i refuse ...
I’ve created my own illusion ...
To see you love me as i die ...
Granting me no reasons eternally,
Forcing me no sign... but faces showing no emotions ...
Corning into me ... and expecting no return...
As your poppies witchcraft me meekly ...
Plunging wild arrows into my sense of incompleteness ...
Cluttering screams that will not become words ...
Out of me!
Multa paucis...
Vivit sub pectore vulnus…
junho 05, 2004
Despair in the meaning of losing ...
To the child within,
To the silence that keeps me digging seashells in your empty hands,
To the teardrops scenes i can't stop streaming from your sweet eyes,
To the blank page i've become ...
A never coming back ...
No need to give up,
No wish to hold on,
What will make us cry ?
The picking up pieces ...
A lack of anything to say ...
Despair in the meaning of losing the one ...
The hate in the meaning of being the one ...
I draw a thousand mistakes across the darkened sand ...
Just to erase all the pain like an exorcising wave,
In no need to rush ...
To die ...
maio 31, 2004
Happy birthday
Há algo que me impede de te ligar. Um medo não sei bem de quê...
Talvez que não existas... ou que eu já não exista para ti.
Se deixamos o destino comandar é porque concordamos com ele. Se não fizemos nada há tanto tempo atrás por quê remexer nas coisas agora? Ou terá sido o destino que nos trocou as voltas e nos enganou?
Só consigo remexer o passado... acho que não conseguiria reviver o presente... sem ter a certeza que o quisesses fazer também.
Que o queiras fazer algum dia... talvez nunca.
Acho que o saberei... algum dia... talvez nunca.
onde quer que estejas... o que quer que sejas...
... espero que sejas feliz!
maio 24, 2004
Into me...
I know not other realities than that of my feelings ...
Lulling me to the dreaming of something i do not allow myself to go,
Vacillating close to the sweetness in you ...
Wounded from all the wilderness underneath each recovered me,
Things from you i can't explain !
Nobody ever knew ... as you tie me up in your lips,
A succession of divinities ... carving inside,
Smashing agony ... freedom in love's guillotine,
And you're ready to blow ...
Into me ...
maio 15, 2004
The end of the world
Why does the sea rush to shore?
Don't they know it's the end of the world
Cause you're not here any more?
Why do the birds go on singing?
Why do the stars glow above?
Don’t they know it's the end of the world?
It ended when I lost your love
I wake up in the morning and I wonder
Why ev’rything’s the some as it was
I can’ t understand, no I can’t understand
How life goes on the way it does
Why does my heart keep on beating?
Why do these eyes of mine cry?
Don’t they know it's the end of the world?
It ended when you said goodbye
Don’t they know it's the end of the world?
It ended when you said goodbye..."
Arthur Kent. Sylvia Dee
Still waiting for your goodbye...
maio 02, 2004
Will you leave me too ?
I abandoned myself to the rage ...
Holding up feelings to the tremulous flames,
Rescued all there is for keep ...
Disappointments that will not disconnect me from ... my life
cage !
Beyond the forgotten me ...
Secret and echoing words penetrate the veils of my defeat,
Slanting pencils of sunlight winding promises ...
My loss ...
Absence of warmth in each dead tear,
The only confession below the angel's wings,
Silhouetted against the disjointed thoughts ...
Always misunderstood myself ... often doubted myself ...
The tenderness of regret ... never knew who to hate !
Uncomfortable way of living within ...
Trying to answer back to those suffering voices saying ...
Close your eyes ... wrap my hurt in you ... the lonely you ..
Will you be the judge of my intimacy ?
Under a full round moon's scream ostracized ...
Fading away ...
As if you could touch an affection ...
As if you could be what left me ...
Will you leave me too ?
abril 25, 2004
Everything is undone
Drifting blackly in the wind ... the dead diabolical touch of madness,
An empty fall through the swirling of a bottomless ocean ... the deep of
Pitifully predictable my soul is a lonely emotion ...
Each state of mind a prison that closes me painfully,
The unmistakable enlightenment of deserted hopes !
Everything is undone ... hidden and sorrowed, an injury .,.
Can't stand the stillness of thoughts pulling me ...
Disappointed by devil's ropes ... guilty pleasures ... the same " it isn't
going to be ... a mistake ! "
There is nothing i can say to feel it differently ... i'm my own blasphemy !
I'm swallowed into temptation just to reach the whole truth and its
monstrous incarnation ... silent fear !
Time to blow the clouds from the wishes that come upon us ...
... like cosmic cataclysms ... despair in all its purity ...
The whole truth !?
When making love is the only way to say " ... i need you !?"
My rage is my narrowness ,
My fear is a mighty warrior,
My being an ... eternity ...
And still ... falling and crying ...
Still afraid ... emptying the unhurried silence,
Filling my eyes with the noise of remorse ...
"... it isn't going to be ... "
abril 17, 2004
… i miss all the hugs!
From the stormy light you see in my eyes you´ll fell…
… there´s not much left to love!
Just a red spark of occulted innocence…
I´m on my way into a frightful to even contemplate empty space…
… there´s not much left to miss!
I miss all the hugs…
I miss all those afterbirth feelings…
The very last moments of ease inside my mind!
From the fog in my eyes…
… you contemplate the outlines of a coast lying under a starless night…
… as in a shallow grave… there´s nothing left to forget!
Despite all the threatening memories … reflected by a silent moon…
Despite the sweet melancholy …
Despite the cold lonely winds… blowing in an angel´s scabbed wings…
… there is still something left to feel!
… still something left…
… no sorrows…
… no regrets…
… us.
abril 07, 2004
… unconscious faces of vivid colour
… maybe i´m just blind and waiting…?!
… listening profoundly to the almost imperceptible overflowed regret…
… looking for inaccessible oceans of migratory shades,
Condemned to the impermanent presences of unfamiliar voices…
Rosy lines pencilled on the clear shadows of the flaming sky… and I wish…
Leaves could cry instead of falling … in my mind,
Eyes could become part of that child within me… and I hear aplletrees…
Covered with unconscious faces of vivid colours!
Intoxicated and sensed loss in each tyrannical farewell runaround…
… maybe i´m lost and captive?!
… have as mentors those reproving ghosts…
… wonder how moon´s kisses would taste among spring flowers…
By chilling autumn waters forgotten as a gleaming reflection in my ears…
Seductive intimacy of sweetness…
Divine birth of godliness…
Earth of departed sunset…
Capricious as far through you…
Whisper your desire inside,
… maybe someday you won´t get blind!
… maybe you learn to love that feeling that… holds you by my side…
… because I will be under your stars… waiting for your smile!
março 27, 2004
… the venom of scandalous feelings
Each other´s perfect understanding,
Many words tenderly murmured,
A ladybird´s kiss… like the sea upon an unfathomable body!
Intimate feeling of loss tightly round my heart…
A flick of good-bye…
An unchanged whisper… like the blue of a dreaming sea,
I never looked so far,
Said in a sorrowed way,
Senses that cry out into white unhappy clouds and…
… expect to become inhuman and infuriated thoughts …
The temptation in a flying and malicious light,
Touching the outlines and shades of tremulous satiny skin,
I need the deepness…
No one´s judgement…
The venom of scandalous feelings,
Wild and incoherent never told tales…
Streaming faces of delight… never touched lips of red emotion,
And… you´ll forever stay…
Forever being forgotten,
Hidden inside lost strawberry shaped innocence,
Everyone spins… no one feels… we all hold on to…
Because we don´t know who we will miss and…
Who we won´t…
I miss you.
março 20, 2004
Foi feitiço...
"Eu gostava de olhar para ti
E dizer-te que és uma luz
Que me acende a noite
me guia de dia e seduz
Eu gostava de ser como tu
Não ter asas e poder voar
ter o céu como fundo
ir ao fim do mundo e voltar
Eu não sei o que me aconteceu
Foi feitiço!
O que é que me deu?"
André Sardet
março 06, 2004
… a flower of incredible and evil revelation!
From the tiny seed of suspicion,
Such a breeze had enough strength to…
… tear the placid mask from the face of the sea.
Missing feelings… a flower of incredible and evil revelation!
Shall I go on digging hidden wild-felt feelings?
Should I know what to do when fragments of soul appear… unsteadily?
Faith lies in the ways of sin… disenchanted eyes of sweetness,
They mirror long nights,
Promises meant to keep,
Tenderness that fades out from kiss to kiss,
A silent whisper like a flamed up desire to see our faces…
Carved on the moon.
Springtime flowers meaning nothing will remain…
And I keep on wishing I could see myself sleeping…
To feel the greyness of a cloudy day and… forget,
To forgive… to remember… to surrender but still…
Crying perfect torching tears,
Each seed,
One flower…
Each tear,
One revelation…
… stay under our stars…
fevereiro 28, 2004
... such a smile!
Caught under by the breeze
The last moments of a everlasting lack of melancholy,
Penetrating deeper and deeper into a far-reaching eye surrounding…
Gliding past my weakness like inborn phantoms,
Thoughts that freeze… like secret sights of a never wanted destiny!
I forget to reflect my life-sensation meaning…
… in the heavy night-air of disenchanted moon of desire,
The very essence of the dream-absurdity!
I can´t help but stretch into the gloom of overshadowed distances,
And pretend I deserve…
… peace of mind,
… to wrap myself up in flying leaves,
… the warmth of lost feelings,
… such a smile!
My sorrow is a starlight extravagance of emotion…
Pulsation stream of light of a shattered past!
Intoxicated with indescribable moments,
Lost shamefully in devil’s pull!
My soul is naked…
Struggling blindly with itself
My mind is rapped…
By the terrific intensity of words heard in dreams,
Invisible wilderness…
An uncontrollable desire to touch the sky and…
Scream silently… reach for an unique gleam in…
… your eyes.
Everything I never felt…
In the emptiness of the landscape
fevereiro 21, 2004
There i was...
There i was...
Lying confusedly,
Beyond the seas of my sunken eyes.
There i was…
Blinding sunshine… insidious… dying slowly,
Through an insoluble mystery… from the sea!
There i heard…
The expression wonderfully odd… growing murmur of voices,
Within a tearfully great silence around and above.
Fear by my side…
Regret flashed spreading…
Insensible i stood up spectrally in the moonlight…
Through the faint sounds of a never said goodbye.
Penetrating essence of absurdity reflecting,
Torching my tremor of a struggling revolt…
Making me uneasy inspired in the land of thousand guilts,
Bewitched by silent poetry…
There i am…motionless in the moonlight,
Like a rioting invasion of soundless life…
Hoping not to be feared,
Frightful as you make me feel…
Weak as i´m unreal,
There… we shall be…
fevereiro 14, 2004
Do you sing your babies?
What sunshine do you bring?
Who belongs
Who decides who´s crazy?
Who rights wrongs where others cling?
I´ll sing for you
If you want me to
I´ll give to you
And it´s a chance I´ll have to take
And it´s a chance I´ll have to break
I go along
Just because I´m lazy
I go along to be with you
And those moonsongs
That you sing your babies
Will be the songs to see you through
I'll hear your song
If you want me to
I´ll sing along
And it´s a chance I´ll have to take
And it´s a chance I´ll have to break
I´m in love with you
I´m in love with you
So in love..."
I´m sorry...
fevereiro 07, 2004
…in my own half way
Everything overflows into dreams… reasons that hold you and i… but…
All that matters comes in colours I can´t define! Is it too late?
I speak to myself with a ghostly voice…
Strange serenity among my defenceless lips,
Enough of sick promises that were never meant to be avoided!
I’ve tried to forget myself in the contemplation of regret…
It hurts and hurts!
I´m abandoned in my own half-way between other’s half-believes,
Alone as an ended missive of trust…
Faced by an infernal unknown force,
Ripped up from my indecisions…
Who am i?
If heaven seemed insane… would I be an unreal flash of meaning to this world?!
If we all know the things we can´t choose,
Goodbyes and surrendered souls wouldn’t lose the meaning…
The meaning of what will tear us apart from blame…
From rusted scars…
Catacombs of an ancient vengeance,
The closing of my eyes will not forgive me…
janeiro 31, 2004
Enclosing daydreaming
The evening sky is pale and empty
The light from my soul makes a yellow reflection,
In the darkening sight of me… rushing breathlessly.
Leaves darkened in the twilight affection,
I feel like an afternoon of rainbows showers,
As I lay small in the moonlight …
As I know there is no place I need to be…
As my senses open wide…
My mind hangs from the edge of the bed,
Thoughts are ticking inside…sweetly,
I remember a green sick dream…
The smell of the misty night air…
The sound of a losing scream…
Your eyes are pulling sensations into my brain.
Minutes passed like the miles of a non ending memory,
Still your eyes … enclosing daydreaming within me.
Still your voice … invades the closeness of human intercourse.
Still your smell … silence that let me dream.
I stand and reach sanity,
The horizon is gone,
Mingling darkly,
I walk and search the undulating contour of the shore …
Memories no more!
janeiro 28, 2004
Only you
These crimes of illusion are fooling us all
And now I am weary and I feel like I do
It´s only you who can tell me apart
And it´s only you, who can turn my wooden heart
The size of our fight, it´s just a dream
We´ve crushed everything I can see,
In this morning selfishly
How we´ve failed and I feel like I do
It´s only you who can tell me apart
And it´s only you, who can turn my wooden heart
Now that we´ve chosen to take all we can
This shade of autumn, a stale bitter end
Years of frustration lay down side by side
And it´s only you who can tell me apart
And it´s only you, who can turn my wooden heart"
janeiro 24, 2004
Subject: the end...
The doors of my world will close
My soul will hide again behind the mask
Something in me will die
Another moment of my life
Is now ending…
Another piece of eternity forgotten…
Gotta go on
In reality
And keep the feelings
In my most precious memories
My memories… they will keep me alive…
janeiro 18, 2004
Noiseless Insanity
Unaccountable feelings menacing my inner lightning,
Dragging me into a gloomy cavern of weirdness,
I could hear my mind blubbering somewhere in the shadows…
Suddenly a red gleam flashed at me and vanished in the darkness…
…and remained…unseekable…floating.
Nothing but angry clouds and an infuriated sea,
A stormy place surrounding me…
I expected a windfall of wishful thinking,
I look inside myself and all i can see,
All i can touch is… inward emptiness, impermanent presences,
Unfamiliar voices, shades condemned to speed headlong round the earth…
Without leaving a trace!
By now i should be half dead but still i lumbered along… melodiously!
I know i´m not meant to this world,
Where children laugh with stolen faces,
Lovers are victims of divine casted arrows,
Feelings are killed like absurd dreams,
Life seems an interminable procession of days,
But still we all know… all things must surely have to end!
This singleness of my idea may seem awfully mysterious,
Distinctly surprising, convulsing with horror,
But i do ask…
Aren’t we supposed to live forever?!
Aren’t we going to stay unseekable but yet remaining?
Among all vastness of a breathless delight,
I was meant to be left on the shore of inaccessible oceans…
Just me and all those haunting questions
Just me and my noiseless insanity…
Frightful to contemplate!
A shape hurriedly glimpsed in a starless night…
Just you to conceive stars in me…
janeiro 10, 2004
Naive intention
Alone I stand… just me and an impenetrably silent,
Can´t feel my indecision…
…fragments of soul tumultuously appeared… an illuminating moment!
I kiss the hazy yellow light of a breezy sunrise… an illusion,
Shapes dissolving like grey clouds,
Inside screaming filled my eyes with this lonely wilderness…
Can´t touch my introspection…
Instinctively as a naïve intention,
Unexpressed understanding… a frantic soul
Wandering unsuspected…carrying stolen tenderness!
Uncontrollable and anxious impulse,
Uncertain as a bruising faith,
Filling the air,
Flying like an endless mist,
Impalpable and ascending sweetness
Unclouded like a lifeless thief…
…empty as a spacious silence,
Just to become a mystery,
One that may bridge you and me…
What if the sun refused to shine?
You wouldn’t be able to see your body,
Stretched across the horizon,
Its outlines and shades,
Fainting and tremulous.
Your eyes perfectly motionless,
Your voice modulated like a repeated call of a bird,
Your mind running through the vanishing expression of massive impulsiveness…
…and i´m still standing…
Can see my low and occulted constellations,
Can see my invisible smile,
Lying like an abandoned love…
Somnambulistic indolence!
Shocking enormity of ideas…
Ridiculous thoughts…
Eyes that seem to look you through and through…
Shapes of things hurriedly glimpsed…
The fascination of hope…!
The excitement of having living feelings within!
…we can…
janeiro 08, 2004
Para que te sintas como és...
Gostaria de possuir uma inabalável convicção
Compreender a perplexidade da solidão da alma,
O calafrio do sentir de todos,
Assombroso sufoco!
A luta com aquilo que nao consciencializamos,
Desejos espiritualizados de beleza,
O esvair de toda a perversidade...
Negar a orgia da mente?!
Negar que todos somos densos e voluptuosos!?
Negar que espiritualizamos fogo e água...?
Mais do que ver.... o sentir,
Esquecemos o que está por debaixo da nossa pele?
Fluímos como espasmos simbólicos,
Evocámos aromas lascivos e místicos,
Cores silenciosas emaranhando-se,
Gestos possessivos... serpenteantes!!!
Negar?? Sejamos íntimos e sinceros...
janeiro 03, 2004
Give Me the Splendid Silent Sun
Give me autumnal fruit ripe and red from the orchard,
Give me a field where the unmow'd grass grows,
Give me an arbor, give me the trellis'd grape,
Give me fresh corn and wheat, give me serene-moving animals teaching
Give me nights perfectly quiet as on high plateaus west of the
Mississippi, and I looking up at the stars,
Give me odorous at sunrise a garden of beautiful flowers where I can
walk undisturb'd,
Give me for marriage a sweet-breath'd woman of whom I should never tire,
Give me a perfect child, give me away aside from the noise of the
world a rural domestic life,
Give me to warble spontaneous songs recluse by myself, for my own ears only,
Give me solitude, give me Nature, give me again O Nature your primal
These demanding to have them, (tired with ceaseless excitement, and
rack'd by the war-strife,)
These to procure incessantly asking, rising in cries from my heart,
While yet incessantly asking still I adhere to my city,
Day upon day and year upon year O city, walking your streets,
Where you hold me enchain'd a certain time refusing to give me up,
Yet giving to make me glutted, enrich'd of soul, you give me forever faces;
(O I see what I sought to escape, confronting, reversing my cries,
see my own soul trampling down what it ask'd for.)
Keep your splendid silent sun,
Keep your woods O Nature, and the quiet places by the woods,
Keep your fields of clover and timothy, and your corn-fields and orchards,
Keep the blossoming buckwheat fields where the Ninth-month bees hum;
Give me faces and streets--give me these phantoms incessant and
endless along the trottoirs!
Give me interminable eyes--give me women--give me comrades and
lovers by the thousand!
Let me see new ones every day--let me hold new ones by the hand every day!
Give me such shows--give me the streets of Manhattan!
Give me Broadway, with the soldiers marching--give me the sound of
the trumpets and drums!
(The soldiers in companies or regiments--some starting away, flush'd
and reckless,
Some, their time up, returning with thinn'd ranks, young, yet very
old, worn, marching, noticing nothing;)
Give me the shores and wharves heavy-fringed with black ships!
O such for me! O an intense life, full to repletion and varied!
The life of the theatre, bar-room, huge hotel, for me!
The saloon of the steamer! the crowded excursion for me! the
torchlight procession!
The dense brigade bound for the war, with high piled military wagons
People, endless, streaming, with strong voices, passions, pageants,
Manhattan streets with their powerful throbs, with beating drums as now,
The endless and noisy chorus, the rustle and clank of muskets, (even
the sight of the wounded,)
Manhattan crowds, with their turbulent musical chorus!
Manhattan faces and eyes forever for me."
Walt Whitman
dezembro 31, 2003
... under your confusing as delightfully natural maybes,
Just two far way small lights aiming unbelief...
Asking “where will we go?” ... murderous whens... leaving without jealousies... a piece of birth for
What I need... tonight!... lost in this non-making sense feeling for you.
Draining me...
Frighting me...
Never giving in...
Never bringing me back...
Never nevering...
... aren´t we so real?
Struggling screams released by your teardrops...
Rescue of what I believe... should I hold your goodbyes for keeps?
If I die right now... would you leave too?
Just like everyone...
Just like everything ever said...
... immersed wrongly promises...
All to you... and all it´s love,
All to you.. can´t live without!
Dezembro 1998
Inexpressive falling apart,
Inexpressive wanting
Inhabit me... both betraying my own dissatisfaction...
Shooking sorcery of a caressing eternity ... pounding poisonous indifference...
Gleaming indecency... vainly... aimlessly...
Through those tearfully triggered eyes... stringing flowers of fate...
Unwinding sinous poppies as a breath... growing... rippling as approaching,
And your arms... confounded in such smallness... before I have to go...
As I know forever...
As I need forgiven...
As I share you...
Lying... ever... true.
Remains... ruins... by the sorrowed of us,
While merging into a relieving volcano of inanimate shadows...
Murdered jealousies... frightened...
... appearing and disappearing sounds of you... dead as I really am...
... the lash of pains through a piece of because... crucifying, jostling, nodding, spinning,
Hurried along those kiss-blows... our lives changed!
To ease my rage...
To the feeling in to me...
To your making it so real...
... angel... stay... run me out of this cage!
Everything you never said... how can?
The meaning of it all... where to?
... without the silence of mistaken alleys... wrecking the supposed to be... far above...
If only forever you believed... on my knees... no apologies... no whys...
Would you still... ?
Just to be... with me...
dezembro 27, 2003
What if?
You have disarmed me in the first moment you came to me
With that nick of indescribable beauty
You have left me with nothing else to say on the first words
I had the pleasure to receive through your poetry
You have pull down the heaven
When you accepted to become my friend,
And it pleased me so much!
Why would you still be unreal then?
Why do you want to be such a mystery in me?
What is so precious about the indefinition?
You are... a mystery?
Yes... you are. A fascinating mystery that keeps me awaked...
I feel a chill.
Sometimes I feel scared
When I read your mind in your words,
Others joy in those delicious insinuations
A sorrow, an empty peace of heart
A not yet healed soul
Me... my presence.
I feel my voice, my smile
Those not yet gathered dreams
Under our stars
And a hope, a wish
An expectation
And a tender and peaceful waiting...
For the unknown
This is the indefinition
The sweetness indefinition
The murmured word in a hidden meaning
That feed the open eye dreams
The uncertainty of the unreal
The believe in the impossible...
The reunion of two identical souls
In one unique heart
Who are you?
Why me?
Where to... are we heading?
This is the indefinition
The marvellous and mysterious indefinition...
Just to remember
... a mystery?
dezembro 25, 2003
dezembro 23, 2003
What if?
What if I could disarm you with a smile?
Lullaby your fears...
What if I could leave you with nothing left to say?
I send this smile over to you...
What if I pulled down the heavens just to please you?
I would still be unreal...
A distorted echo of past kisses
A warmth of feeling among your lips
We can´t help but heal
Like two stars lovers don’t
Like a moon delight over shadowed eyes won’t
And beyond the open lustrous darkness
You still hear my voice whispering
Like a limpid ressonance falling... inside... within... you
What may I say impulsively
To make you remember me?
Unwrinkled words?
Incomprehensible gestures?
What may I do
To become a mystery in you?
Crawl noiselessly?
Apologise ghostly?
Just to remember
... a mystery.
dezembro 20, 2003
dezembro 17, 2003
Dream victim
Can you imagine the fire sparkled in the whites of my eyes?
Can you imagine stars shining dim through a thin veil of a smile?
Can you?
Do you say our hopes may die?
Do you say our fears should gather dust to dust?
Do you?
Will you ever need someone to ease your mind?
Will you never steal a kiss from my sleep?
Will you?
To fear without...
To be with...
To dispossess from...
To reveal within...
To drag in...
To wrap up...
To spin around...
Can you?
Do you?
Will you?
... do you really know who I really am?
dezembro 14, 2003
... we born inside!
I shall smile your smile
I shall laugh your laugh
I shall wish your wish
I shall hope your hope
I shall feel your joy
... we all born inside!
I´m happy because I have a friend... you.
I´m happy because I now have tasted a sugar kiss from an angel
I´m happy to feel your hug...
Looking you with tenderness
Waiting for your sweetness
I will be under your stars ... forever.
By starlight we will collect our seashells
Under our dark sky we will never promise
By starlight we will know each other
And... we will born inside
Just me and you... the moon and...
A smile
A laugh
A wish
A hope
A joy
Don´t ever stop doing what you´re doing to me...
dezembro 09, 2003
... between you and me.
Between you and me?
Today and tomorrow speak to me in a language i can hear
Between you and me?
Wrapped up in the pleasures of the soul
Between you and me?
Imagine not a single tear
Between you and me?
Just the most wild thoughts in the world!
And you may come as a thief
Falling as a lost leave
Between you and me?
Empty sorrows and insane memories
Never meant to be...
Between you and me?
And you may steal all that peace of mind’s ironies
But you won’t feel our love as a suicide
Thoughtless thoughts
Hidden and secret
Veiled promises
Between you and me?
There never be a curtain drawn...
Because we know what misses
... I’m sorry!
dezembro 06, 2003
Subject: Re:
Apenas uma carícia perdida...
Se a sinto?
Apenas um sentir em labirinto...
Se me perco da vida?
Apenas um regresso...
Se me ausento?
Apenas porque esqueço...
Se não aguento?
Apenas uma carícia querida...
Aproximo-me de ti...
Indissimulável... indizível,
Com os olhos com que te vi.
Sonho com um gesto invisível,
Uma ilusão na qual não estou... sozinho.
Sou vestígio de um ser sensível
Que se perdeu... no teu caminho.
Será que vivi só para ti?
Eu... e o meu amor previsível...
... não importa quem somos se o não somos partilhando.
... como gostaria de ouvir a tua voz, tocar teu pensamento e sorrir!
dezembro 01, 2003
Once upon a time in me...
Who am I to dare?
Who am I to try?
Beyond my hopes there are no feelings
I´m forever frozen but still care
Someone digging for the feel of not saying goodbye
Shall I keep on crawling?
Shall I drop my tears among your wings?
Obscurely fascinated by a vague association of ideas
I will walk so far...
I will walk alone...
Apart from my more intimate feeling of loss
Lying in a flood of light
I know we all have to say hello...
... we all have to say goodbye
No need to cry
No need to feel regret
No need for compassion
No need for deceitful feelings
... vain efforts
...empty gestures
Just a candid expression
Just a rare internal gift of simplicity of heart
Just the weirdness of loving without paying backs
Just you...
Just me...
After all... the sky is so low
Low enough to touch !
Do you want to touch it?
Stay under our stars...
novembro 28, 2003
Às vezes não se tem noção...
É uma história. Uma memória dissociada... que se perdeu na imensidão do tempo e foi abraçada pela saudade.
Restaram as estrelas e uma alma que representará para sempre um sonho.
Passaram 5 anos...
Às vezes não se tem noção
Do tempo que passou
Às vezes não se tem noção
Da vida que mudou
Nossos pontos de referência
Marcam os períodos
Contamos os anos e ficamos perdidos ...
Lembramos do que acreditávamos
E o que gostávamos de fazer
Alguns hábitos mudaram
Outros hão de permanecer ...
Só sei que passou muito rápido
Rápido demais !
É estranho saber
Que fiz tanta coisa
Sem perceber
Em tão pouco tempo (o que parece-me ser)
Vivemos tanto
Ah! Como é bom saber
E lembrar
E viver...
Às vezes não se tem noção de tantas coisas que não nos aconteceram...
novembro 02, 2003
Little Daisy
That I miss you
If stars start to shine
I´ll still miss you
Ohh I still miss you
I see the storm
I see a cloud
I see you running
I´m still waiting
For you
Little Daisy
This is the song
Remind us forever...together
This is the song that I
Just cannot hide
setembro 28, 2003
Perdemo-nos. Perdi o teu rasto.
setembro 07, 2003
setembro 03, 2003
You´re beautiful
As beautiful as the sun
You´re wonderful
As wonderful as they come
And I can´t help but feel attached
To the feelings I can´t even match
And I´m sure you know me well
As I´m sure you don´t
But you just can´t tell who you´ll love
And who you won´t
Don´t forget to call, whenever
I´ll be here just waiting for you
I´ll be under your stars forever
Neihter here nor there
Just right beside you
I´ll be under the stars forever
Neither here nor there
Just right beside you
julho 20, 2003
Robbed your identity...

and you were as sharming as your name would make it sound
Your words filled my soul of splendor and dreams
and made me live two years as an eternal day of sunshine
But words were not enough
Words... they cannot love
And I could not love you back
Forgive me...
as I will never forgive myself for letting you go
So here I am
Robbed your identity
Robbed the words you wrote me in your letters
Hoping that some day you can return to get them back.
For now... they are mine.
I´ll share them with those who can feel the inner splender while reading them
as I did once and as I keep doing everytime they bring me your memories
"You lodged your heart...
You gave it all to some one that
cannot love you back
Ain´t this enough?
You try to take comfort in words
But words...they cannot love
Words... they cannot love"